Big Magic

Este verano ha estado lleno de nuevas memorias. Sé que he andado un poco ausente, pero entre las mil y un cosas que hay por hacer en Nueva York cuando el clima esta excelente y además, con mi familia visitándome, no pude evitar desconectarme del mundo por un ratito. A veces es bueno, sin embargo, ¡¡yo también los extrañe!! …
Antes de que acabe el verano (que es una de mis estaciones favoritas del año, por que podemos usar overoles todo el tiempo y además celebro mi cumpleaños jajaja) quiero platicarles que hace poco leí un libro que se convirtió en mi favorito hasta ahora... Estoy segurísima que muchos de ustedes vieron la película: Eat, Pray, Love... Ya se, ¡yo también la amé! Pues su autora, Elizabeth Gilbert me cautivo con su título: Big Magic y quiero compartirles un fragmento (por qué TIENEN que leer este libro) que me recordó lo importante que es ver cada reto con otra perspectiva. Espero les sirva tanto como a mí…
“Página 246, Párrafo 3, línea 22:
”Sometimes I think that the difference between a tormented creative life and a tranquil creative life is nothing more than the difference between the word awful and the word interesting. […]
I think a lot of people quit pursuing creative lives because theyre scared of the word interesting […] Which is to say, they quit as soon as things aren’t easy anymore, as soon as it gets painful, or boring, or agitating. They quit as soon as they see something in their minds that scares them or hurts them. So they miss the good part, the wild part, the transformative part […]
Whatever it is you are pursuing, whatever it is you’re seeking, whatever it is you’re creating, be careful not to quit too soon. As my friend Pastor Rob Bell warns: “Don’t rush through the experiences and circumstances that have the most capacity to transform you.”
Don’t let go of your courage the moment things stop being easy or rewarding.
Because that moment?
That’s the moment when interesting begins.”
Sacudirnos los miedos y dar un paso fuera de nuestra zona de confort es un reto y un trabajo diario, sin embargo, hacer de nuestra vida algo extraordinario, es nuestro propósito. Les confieso que a veces llego a mi casa a leer sólo ese fragmento jaja, así que cuando las cosas se pongan feas, incómodas, duras o inestables, recuerda que solo en lo interesante, esta el cambio, la emoción y la verdadera aventura.
Con cariño,
- Karen
PD: Dejé el fragmento en inglés por que me parece que tiene más sentido compartirlo tal cual lo escribió la autora…
This summer has been full of surprises. I know I've been a little out of the scene, but between the thousands of things to do in New York when is sun season and having my family visiting me, was the perfect excuse to disconnect myself of the world, just for a bit... Sometimes a is good to take breaks however, I miss you too guys!!!
Before the summer ends, which by the way it's one of my favorite seasons because it's my birthday and we can wear overalls all the time!!!, I want to share with you my recent discovery, a book that has become my favorite so far. I'm sure that all of you watch: "Eat, Pray, Love". I know, I loved that movie too!!
Well, the author of that story, Elizabeth Gilbert wrote this other book called: Big Magic and there's no words to describe how good the book is! That's why I want to share with all of you a bit of the message ('cuz yes, you have to read this book too!!!), that reminded me the importance of see everything in perspective. Sometimes, shake our fears and put a step outside of our comfort zone it can be a every day work. However, make our life extraordinary, is our purpose. There are days when I get home and read this particular paragraph, so when things turn grey, unstable, hard or uncomfortable, remember that only on that interesting perspective, there's change, a true emotion and an amazing adventure!
Hope you find it helpful as I did…
“Page 246, Paragraph 3, line 22:
”Sometimes I think that the difference between a tormented creative life and a tranquil creative life is nothing more than the difference between the word awful and the word interesting. […]
I think a lot of people quit pursuing creative lives because theyre scared of the word interesting […] Which is to say, they quit as soon as things aren’t easy anymore, as soon as it gets painful, or boring, or agitating. They quit as soon as they see something in their minds that scares them or hurts them. So they miss the good part, the wild part, the transformative part […]
Whatever it is you are pursuing, whatever it is you’re seeking, whatever it is you’re creating, be careful not to quit too soon. As my friend Pastor Rob Bell warns: “Don’t rush through the experiences and circumstances that have the most capacity to transform you.”
Don’t let go of your courage the moment things stop being easy or rewarding.
Because that moment?
That’s the moment when interesting begins.”
With love,
- Karen
I'm wearing:
Total Look: H&M
Sunnies: Vintage
Sandals: Indigo rd
Styling by: Arantxa Macías
Photos by: Stephanie Martinez